Eyeo 2013

Walker Arts Centre Eyeo 2013

Eyeo 2013 has come and gone. I never managed to post about last years Eyeo, so I wanted to get this out as soon as the event came to a close. Eyeo focuses on Data Visualization and Code base artwork. Designers, Artists, Architects, Programmers, and others descend onto the Walker Art Centre to discuss art, interaction, and information. I figured I would list off the cool stuff I saw.

Diato Manabe

Diato was the best surprise of Eyeo. I went to his talk no knowing much about him, and came out really inspired. So many really great projects.

Ivan Pouprev

I have always wanted a chance to meet a disney imagineer. Engineers, programmers, designers, and other artists who work on the technology found in the Disneyland parks. Ivan’s research is in making surfaces interactive, and he has come up with a very novel solution to detecting how a person is touching an object. Touche A stupid simple way to make things interactive. The device is not available, but thanks to some hackers in Denmark, the Arduino version is.

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Rafael was in the middle of giving the best talk of Eyeo 2013 and then, because he decided it wasn’t memorable enough, dived off the stage to show his Eyeo dominance. After suffering two broken ribs, he came back onstage the last night like a bad-ass to finish his talk and show everyone why you don’t fuck with Mexican French-Canadians. The work as interesting as it is elegant. I highly recommend looking at his large installation work.

Memo Atken

I had seen some of Memo’s work before, specifically the drone lighting concert. His other projects include code and installation work. I also saw him speak at another panel about advertising and art, where he mentioned his worked had been stolen by Cadburry , which was not cool, and also used by a young artist as a study, which was cool.

Common Themes This Year:

Where is the Data coming from?

Having open data is nice, but how the data is collected is just as important as the data itself. What it collected in a manner that the final results can actually say anything accurately? The “transparency of the database” –

Who owns the data?

Privacy issues with computer vision and big data. Very relevant since the PRISM was reveled.

Shaping Public Space and Experience.

A large portion of those presenting were from arcitectyure backgrounds. Many had done larger instellations for new buildings; front lobbies of corporate headquarters, centerpieces for museumes, etc. Just as many had done pieces in public spaces, tourist spots, parksBecause so much of Eyeo’s culture focus’s on the interactive, using public
Best quote: “Reinvigorating Public Space in a way that doesn’t involve shopping” – Raphael Lozano-Hemmer

Balancing Client and Personal Work.

Working with Ad Agencies and Clients while trying to do fulfilling creative work. Dealing with ad agencies who have stolen work without the artists knowledge, whether or not that artist would have been willing to work with the agency in the first place. I found this at times frustrating, as some of the presenters really looked down on client work, or boasted their ability to turn down clients that weren’t going to let them do what they wanted. While I’m glad they have that ability, it didn’t seem feasible for many people sitting in the audience, who were trying to do this type of work as a career. Another presenter discussed being “homeless” and “jobless” while showing off hundreds of pictures from his 4 month trip around the world. Having recently sold his company, he seemed to be doing homelessness and joblessness in a way that people begging for money outside of the theatre really needed to take notice of.

Aside from that cynicism, I really enjoyed the festival, and look forward to using the inspiration I gathered for my own projects. I should have one posted here in the next few weeks.

RylaanEyeo 2013