Data Dance v1 – Winnipeg Chiptunes Party

After the success of the Gr8 Bits show version 1 and version 2, mr ghosty wanted to plan a chiptunes dance party. This past Saturday, the Lo Pub is transformed into an arcade, featuring the Winnitron 1000 (stats have been posted here.) Lots of game development people came out, including the people who built the Torontron.

Alison brought various video game themed baked goods, and mr ghosty made Question Box piñatas! It was really, really fun.

Best of all, we had a great time DJing and VJing. Huge thanks to everyone who came up to me after the show. I’m really glad you liked the set. So glad in fact, that I’m posting my set list from Data Dance v1 with links to all the tracks. MrGhosty has also posted his set list here and DeActivision has posted a track as well Happy listening, and thanks again for coming out!

Here is the poster for the event.

Data Dance Level 1 Poster

Data Dance Level 1 Poster

RylaanData Dance v1 – Winnipeg Chiptunes Party