5 Steps to get ready for Augmented Reality

So I’ve been playing with ARTool Kit to try my hand at using Glyphs and Augmented Reality. I realize that some people may NOT be ready for our augmented future. So, I came up with 5 things you can do to prepare yourself and others for augmented reality.

1. Put Tracking Markers on Everything 

Seriously, just print out glyph stickers and slap ‘em around. Mailboxes, cars, warning signs. The world will come to thank and admire you for your help in preparing the world for augmented reality. Start wearing those motion capture ping pong ball suits to work. Put that face capture makeup on. Anything you can do to make the camera notice you more.

2. Wave Your Arms Around 

The future is movement, so put your hands in the air like you just don’t care! People need to get used to seeing their peers perform gestures in public, so what better way then to do some Wii-less Wii Sports in the middle of your nearest shopping mall? Ignore any strange looks, they will be the ones looked at strangely when the future arrives.

3. Watch Minority Report 

That movie is better than 10 of these guides. It is your crystal ball, everything in this movie will come true, so make sure to pay close attention. The the part where Tom Cruise uses the augmented reality screen needs to be committed to memory by members of your family. Make sure to take some christmas lights and make yourself a snazzy augmented reality glove to control your future-screen with.

4. Wear Your Personal Information On A T-Shirt. 

With augmented reality, you can walk up to someone and see their personal information appear around them. Kick start the future by printing out different facts about yourself on a T-Shirt. Your name, star sign, a picture of your grandparents wedding, you are only limited by your imagination (and space on your Tshirt, I recommend a XXL for maximizing your Augmented Reality Synchronization Execution [A.R.S.E.] Make sure to pick a ‘designer’ font like Helvetica, or go for a future retro look and use the original Nintendo font. Tre chic.

5. Get Augmented 

This exciting future cannot happen with out the technology to support it. Outfit yourself so you can take full advantage of augmented reality.
You’ll need:

  • Web Cam.
  • A Projector. Higher Res the better.
  • Computer. Powerful graphics card to render all those 3D anime characters.

Make sure to be wearing your A.R.S.E. “Hardware Auxiliary Technology” at all times. I recommend wearing clothing with lots of pockets to keep accessories such as glyph stickers or power cords. The Fanny Pack will be the fashion of the future.
Congratulations, you are now fully prepared for Augmented Reality. The last person to be this far into the future was Marty McFly. Now sit back, and watch yourself become relevant.

Rylaan5 Steps to get ready for Augmented Reality